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Turn customers into regulars in one simple tap

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Create and run your own mobile loyalty program in under 1 minute, and increase revenue by an average of 11% from customers you already have and without reducing margins.

With Loyalzoo, put your loyalty card into your customers phones and get your customers to choose you every time. Simply ask them to check-in via the Loyalzoo app – and you’ll get to know their names too!

Loyalzoo is more than just an app that replaces loyalty cards. By pushing promotions directly to their phones, you get to boost customer retention and increase sales in those quiet times.

And when customers sign up to the Loyalzoo app using Facebook, their check-ins automatically appear in their friends’ Facebook feed, giving you valuable word-of-mouth exposure.

Ideal for busy places – when customers check-in via their smartphone they appear instantly on your Clover station. Just tap on the Loyalzoo button to select the customer you’re serving – we handle the rest. Loyalty points are given automatically based on actual spend.

Download PDF Brochure

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Developer Info:

Web: http://www.loyalzoo.com/clover/

Email: hello@loyalzoo.com

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